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Get games like Blood Alloy: Reborn

Blood Alloy: Reborn

Go to Steam
Available on Windows
year of release: 2016


  • Get games like Summum Aeterna

    Summum Aeterna

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 177
    year of release: 2023
  • Get games like Rogues Like Us

    Rogues Like Us

    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
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    positive reviews out of 45
    year of release: 2018
  • Get games like Cyrah's Ascent

    Cyrah's Ascent

    positive reviews out of 108
    year of release: 2022
  • Get games like Bayonetta 2

    Bayonetta 2

    Available on Switch
    Available on Wii U
    year of release: 2014
  • Get games like Riptale


    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
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    positive reviews out of 75
    year of release: 2017
  • Get games like Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

    Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    Available on Xbox One
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 131
    year of release: 2018
  • Get games like Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior

    Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior

    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    Available on Xbox One
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 58
    year of release: 2018
  • Get games like Fallen Angel

    Fallen Angel

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    positive reviews out of 79
    year of release: 2020
  • Get games like Bayonetta 3

    Bayonetta 3

    Available on Switch
    year of release: 2022
  • Get games like Xeno Crisis

    Xeno Crisis

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Linux
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    Available on Switch
    Available on Xbox One
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 77
    year of release: 2019
  • Get games like Strength of the Sword ULTIMATE

    Strength of the Sword ULTIMATE

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    Available on Windows
    Available on Xbox One
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 70
    year of release: 2019
  • Get games like All Day Dying: Redux Edition

    All Day Dying: Redux Edition

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 44
    year of release: 2019
  • Get games like GUNGUNGUN


    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 18
    year of release: 2017
  • Get games like 9 Years of Shadows

    9 Years of Shadows

    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 92
    year of release: 2023
  • Get games like EARTH'S DAWN


    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Xbox One
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 80
    year of release: 2016
  • Get games like Greedy Guns

    Greedy Guns

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Linux
    Available on Mac
    positive reviews out of 50
    year of release: 2017
  • Get games like room13


    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 48
    year of release: 2017
  • Get games like Bloo Kid 2

    Bloo Kid 2

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    Available on 3DS
    positive reviews out of 113
    year of release: 2015
  • Get games like Bloodroots


    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Switch
    positive reviews out of 59
    year of release: 2020
  • Get games like Shadow Blade: Reload

    Shadow Blade: Reload

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Linux
    Available on Mac
    Available on Switch
    Available on PS4
    positive reviews out of 169
    year of release: 2015
  • Get games like SPINGUN


    Go to SteamGo to Green Man Gaming
    Available on Windows
    Available on Linux
    Available on Mac
    positive reviews out of 59
    year of release: 2016
  • Get games like Cataegis : The White Wind

    Cataegis : The White Wind

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 130
    year of release: 2015
  • Get games like Dashy Square

    Dashy Square

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Mac
    positive reviews out of 85
    year of release: 2016
  • Get games like Mekazoo


    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    Available on Linux
    Available on Mac
    positive reviews out of 58
    year of release: 2016
  • Get games like Proxy Blade Zero

    Proxy Blade Zero

    Go to Steam
    Available on Windows
    positive reviews out of 121
    year of release: 2014